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Soft clothes.
(because being a kid is hard work)
Reading, writing and really comfy clothes.
(it's that time of year)
child holding a laundry baskets child holding a laundry baskets

Tees perfect for the first day of school.

(and all the other days too)
kids modeling fruit of the loom apparel kids modeling fruit of the loom apparel

When it comes to soft tees, we don't play around. Even if they do.

(it's like it's their job or something)
Kid Back to School Basics
(tees, underwear, socks and more)

At Fruit of the Loom® we make shopping for kids back to school essentials fun, easy and affordable. Get their (and your) favorite items including socks, breathable boys and girls underwear, solid colored tees and more. Be prepared for school to be back in session and stock up on all the great styles.